Ruth Soesilowati. C 1305533. 2009. An Analysis of Apology as a Politeness Strategy Expressed by the Characters in the film entitled “Chasing Liberty” (A SocioPragmatics Approach). Thesis: English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. The writer chooses this title because she is interested in analyzing apology as a politeness strategy conveyed by the speakers following an offence they have done toward the addressee. The writer chooses “Chasing Liberty” film as the source of data because she finds out that there are many apology expressed differently by the characters. This research was conducted to classify the kinds of offences that motivate the characters in the film “...
I gamle dage kunne enhver læge blive praktiserende læge. I løbet af de sidste 50 år har de prakti-se...
Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar as relações entre internet, representação do passado e história...
Petition (ʿArżuḥāl) and Literature are Intertwined: Various Couplets Written on a PetitionPetition (...
TITIK ANDARWATI. C1305542. Simon’s Motivation in Solving His Problems as the Victim of a Broken Fa...
The thermal decomposition of potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate to potassium tetraborate were studie...
Hidayat, S890907012. 2007. The Effectiveness of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Met...
Fina Rantika Sari. 2009. The Efforts of Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (DISBUDPAR) Surakarta in A...
This final project report is written based on the job training in PT PLN (Persero) APJ Surakarta. ...
El trabajo propone analizar el desempeño de Dioniso como juez del agón entre Esquilo y Eurípides en ...
Tato práce se zabývá bariérami a kritickými faktory při vývoji virů, leishmanií a gregarin během výv...
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Químic...
The study focuses on the case of Vincent Lambert, a patient in a vegetative state for which the Gra...
The discrepancy between the stiffness of commercially pure titanium and cortical bone tissue compr...
This research is aimed (1) to describe the types of Sragen Regency folk literatures; (2) to describe...
I gamle dage kunne enhver læge blive praktiserende læge. I løbet af de sidste 50 år har de prakti-se...
Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar as relações entre internet, representação do passado e história...
Petition (ʿArżuḥāl) and Literature are Intertwined: Various Couplets Written on a PetitionPetition (...
TITIK ANDARWATI. C1305542. Simon’s Motivation in Solving His Problems as the Victim of a Broken Fa...
The thermal decomposition of potassium tetraborate tetrahydrate to potassium tetraborate were studie...
Hidayat, S890907012. 2007. The Effectiveness of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Met...
Fina Rantika Sari. 2009. The Efforts of Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (DISBUDPAR) Surakarta in A...
This final project report is written based on the job training in PT PLN (Persero) APJ Surakarta. ...
El trabajo propone analizar el desempeño de Dioniso como juez del agón entre Esquilo y Eurípides en ...
Tato práce se zabývá bariérami a kritickými faktory při vývoji virů, leishmanií a gregarin během výv...
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Químic...
The study focuses on the case of Vincent Lambert, a patient in a vegetative state for which the Gra...
The discrepancy between the stiffness of commercially pure titanium and cortical bone tissue compr...
This research is aimed (1) to describe the types of Sragen Regency folk literatures; (2) to describe...
I gamle dage kunne enhver læge blive praktiserende læge. I løbet af de sidste 50 år har de prakti-se...
Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar as relações entre internet, representação do passado e história...
Petition (ʿArżuḥāl) and Literature are Intertwined: Various Couplets Written on a PetitionPetition (...